Thursday, 20 October 2011

Ivan Pavlov Game

When we talking about counselling, there are three types of way in knowing a person. The three types are
(a) behaviorism
(b) cognitivism
(c) humanistic

The way we view on a person depend the way we think or behave or feel toward the other person

Checkout it this game...

Fun way to learn regarding Classical Conditioning: Eliciting an unconditioned response by  using previously neutral stimuli...

meaning that in the classroom, we can apply the same way of rewarding students by giving some rewards for good behavior..

Ivan Pavlov Game (click here to go to the game)
Step 1: choose the instrument either drum, horn or bell, pick one by click them
Step 2: drag the food either banana, meat or sausage after ringing the instrument
Step 3: after that try to experiment with the food and the instrument..and see the result...

Question of the day: 

How this theory can impact our teaching style in school, feel free to discuss
(you guys may also discuss in Malay)


  1. menarik dan secara tidak langsung dapat mengukuhkan pemahaman terhadap teori.tq ash

  2. nye x sangka ada game pasal teori ni.zaman2 blaja dlu xde lagi hihi..menarik..
